Who is Volunteer Mortgage Loan Servicing?

Did you just buy your home? Congratulations!

Have you owned your home awhile but are new to Volunteer Mortgage Loan Servicing? Welcome aboard!

You’re probably curious who we are. Volunteer Mortgage Loan Servicing was established by THDA in April 2016 to manage its home loan accounts and work directly with homeowners like you.

We do a lot more than just accept monthly payments on THDA’s behalf. We work directly with homeowners on an individual level to help them succeed financially.

We only work with customers who have THDA home loans, which means we specialize in helping homeowners just like you. Our account team understands you and your situation better than anyone else in the business. It’s our job to help you face and overcome any challenges that arise over the life of your home loan.

Have questions? Please contact us.

Ready to make a payment? Let's go!

Or you can enroll in our automatic e-payment system (ACH) by calling us at 1-844-VOL-SERV (865-7378).

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